Friday, 12 April 2013

torn teeth: twins

I heard a story today
that I wanted to share
a story so simple,
but at the same time
a story so rare
so I made a cup of tea
and I wrote down some poetry
I wrote down this poem
girl your  
simple but rare story
it was
incredible; but highly credible
using some words 
I'll turn your story into a poem
-the story: the poem-
of that time
your foolish twin brother
dived into the shallow end
and his braces, they got caught onto a tile
while you were somewhere else
and to save his own life
he pulled away 
torn teeth hung from his mouth
 blood flooded the pool
and you recieved a call
from your cousin
'take him to a&e'
you said before you returned home
by then your mother, she already knew
something was wrong
but you said nothing
instead you bit into your sandwich
and your two teeth started bleeding
'wash your mouth' your mother said
before that you admitted you never
believed in twin
but now to this day,
you say
you get sick, whenever gets sick
though where he is
you never really know
these simple stories go
a long way, in teaching us lessons
beautiful lessons
the kind you'll never learn