Sunday, 20 January 2019

Wheels & Wonder

skateboarding at sunset
                   thru empty roads
winter wind blowing
           thru my hollow bones
the full moon is gleaming
in the pink and blue tooting sky
at home, Meow is sleeping
his face is tucked behind
his tail, its very cold outside
even the trees are shivering
but I will continue to ride
my skateboard
think on that crowd
of running young deer
running to where?
some secret meadow
a secret meadow…
gosh, I don’t know
where the deer were going
they were just going
going going
with the winter wind blowing
blowing blowing
thru their brittle bones 
I remember now what it feels like
to be young and free
I remember now what it feels like
to be that kid me           
reclaim your childhood joys
         for its pleasures await you.